How to lose weight at home? This is a very common question for discussion but I believe you have not gotten any answer for this simple query. You might have tried everything to lose weight at home, but all failed. You are also fed up viewing YouTube channels, reading books on how to lose weight fast at home, how to lose weight without the gym, and so on, but nothing worked for you. Quaker oats nutrition breakfast is the right solution for you. Let’s see how.
Hence I am here once again to tell you how to lose weight at home with some very simple practices. I have tried these personally and that worked for me. With this simple solution, you will feel fitness with weight reduction.
What is the reason behind gaining weight?
You all already know that weight gain is either because of eating excess energy, or lack of exercise to burn extra energy retained in our body. Here extra energy means extra calories which you get from your food and drinks. And we better know that extra calorie intake is dangerous for our body but still, we cannot control it.
Hence these are two reasons behind any weight gain in an otherwise normal person. We are not discussing weight gain related to any metabolic or pathological disorder.
After knowing the main two reasons behind weight gain, now we are going to discuss how you lose weight at home with some simple changes. Although I am calling these simple, they are very difficult to practice daily at home.
Stop taking heavy breakfast
In our Indian society, we all used to take a heavy breakfast in the morning daily. In many houses bread with butter, paratha with butter, tea and other snacks like poha, idli, upma are common.
Hence when we know that we are not doing anything to lose weight, then we must decrease our energy intake. All above mentioned are a rich sources of energy in the form of easily digestible carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are easily converted to calories and easily excess calories can be converted to fat.
Hence to avoid this we must take low fat, low carbohydrate but high protein breakfast.
With a high protein breakfast, you will feel satiety. This means you will feel like taking a heavy breakfast but that will be in low calories than your routine breakfast. This difference in calorie intake will definitely help you to decrease your weight.
Suppose you are taking 2000 kilocalorie energy in the whole day including breakfast lunch dinner and high tea. Then only by changing this breakfast content, you can cut short this total of 2000 kilocalories to 1800. Believe me, this will make much difference. If you simply try this for 1 month then you will definitely lose at least half To 1 kg within a month.
A high protein diet quaker oats nutrition to lose weight
For a breakfast, you can take oats preparation, muesli preparation, eggs with salad, some sprout and fruits. You can choose anything from these suggestions. I must say this will be better than your routine breakfast.
If you are not tasted oats meal or muesli preparation, then you must try this.
Keep in mind that you are going to lose weight at home and that is not a simple task. Hence the difficulty to try breakfast is the taste factor. All this breakfast will not make your tongue happy. But with practice, you will like to eat it. Hence in the initial days please take it through your oesophagus without any thinking. After one week you will feel nothing tasteless while having breakfast. Make it a habit.
Many oats meal products are available online and offline too. Among oats, the finest quality oats provider is Quaker Oats. You can get these Quaker Oats from Amazon too.
If you don’t like bland taste oatmeal, then you can go for muesli preparation. Because of the mixture of all dry fruits, muesli preparation tastes good. But quaker oats nutrition will give you the best results.
Oatmeals and muesli do not require heavy preparation too. You can simply mix hot milk over the oatmeal and muesli and keep it for 5 minutes and that’s it. Your breakfast is ready.
But you can try different recipes also. We are not discussing how many types of recipes you can make but we are focusing on whether you take quaker oats nutrition or muesli nutrition.
Quaker oats nutrition, how it helps to lose weight at home
Oats a cereal like wheat produces in European countries. It is full of protein, fibre, and vitamins but low in calories. Quaker oats nutrition is a healthy alternative to other meal replacements in the market. Oats meal is a good source of protein, it provides nutrients that are hard to find in other sources of protein. Oats meal also helps in reducing blood cholesterol due to the presence of soluble fibres.
Oats meal contains a large number of soluble fibres. These fibres help the digestive system to remove toxic materials from the body. Oats meal also helps to remove excess fats from the body.
What is muesli and how does it helps to lose weight at home
Muesli is also called as granola in English. It is a popular dish in Europe, especially in Switzerland and Germany which originated in the late nineteenth century among the health-conscious people. It is made of whole grains, dried fruits, nuts, seeds and honey.
Muesli can be easily prepared at home. It can be stored for a week at room temperature. Grains like oats, wheat, barley and maize are the main ingredients of muesli.
Muesli is so healthy and tasty. However, most people don’t know the good effect of muesli on our bodies. Muesli is low in fat and high in fibre, so it is helpful to lower cholesterol. Fibre also makes you feel full longer time. So you don’t need to eat much.
Muesli has many kinds. There are not only wheat, oats, and barley. They are also made from corn, rice, and buckwheat.
According to the nutritionist, you can add muesli to your breakfast or take it with milk for herbal tea. It’s really delicious.
Final Opinion
With the cut short of calorie intake and intake of more protein and fibre in the diet, your weight will decrease definitely. But you should practise it for a long time. Actually, you must forget your routine breakfast.
Also, skip all your small diet which you are habitual to eating from outside.
Only take 3 diets, breakfast, lunch and dinner. Only one extra tea will be allowed.
Write to me in the comment box whether you are going to change your tasty breakfast or not. I love to hear from you about the value of quaker oats nutrition.
Is Quaker Oats good for health?
Yes, it is a very good diet for health which provide abundant proteins without any fats.
What are the disadvantages of Quaker Oats?
quaker oats have no disadvantages. Only you can feel hungry before lunchtime if you are habitual of high carbohydrate breakfast.
Quaker oats are the best brand if you are staring your new diet. It has no additional flavours or added dry fruits. Others oats have some flavours and some additions also. But before you try others, just try pure steel-cut rolled oats provided by quacker.
Is Quaker Oats good for weight loss?
Quaker Oats are good for weight loss. With the regular consumption of oats, your body will not accumulate any extra energy into fats. This results in weight loss.
Are Quaker Oats real oats?
Yes, quaker are real oats which are rolled and steel-cut. Steel-cut rolled oats are easy and fast to prepare s breakfast. That does not need boiling. just add hot milk.